Wednesday 2 May 2012


This program is rated 18A for mature language and themes. Parental Discretion is advised.

^^We've all had our share of jitters at hearing that low, monotone male voice warn us about the sinful shit we are about to be viewing. It's the worst if your parents are in the room. You pray there's not a sex scene so you won't have to succumb to death for no other reason than the 30 awkward minutes you have to endure with your creators. 

Other than running the risk of seeing - gasp - human body parts, and maybe some kind of violence, it's the words that make our television providers caution us beforehand. Swear words are what I am referring to. Maybe you call them "cusses" or "curses." Foul words. You get the picture. They are a combination of totally innocent letters into a word that our society deems "profane." 

The Latin origins of the word "profane" is actually quite fascinating. It means "in front of", "outside the church." To sum it up for you, anything not belonging to the church. Apparently when we utter certain words, we desecrate all that is holy. 

To keep on with the religious theme here, there are indeed curses in the bible. 


Think again, child of God. Open your holy book to 2 Kings 18:27 where Rabshakeh takes a spicy little swing at whoever he's chatting up, referring to men who "eat dung and drink their own piss." 

What I think is mind-blowing is how much power these words have! And they're just words. The word SHIT is every bit as much a word as SHOE. 

Take off all the negative connotations and they're nothing but constructions of letters. Yet we are raised not to say them. We are raised to believe that these words are bad and terrible. People get in trouble for saying them. People are suspended from school or fired from work. 

I can comprehend why people aren't feeling hunky-dory about them. They are usually used in anger, disrespect, or to insult someone. However, anger is just as much an emotion as happiness. 

So, with all that said, why, my friend, can I yell HUZZAH but not FUCK NOOO! among the general public without getting glares of hatred pointed my way? They are both expressions of emotions. The difference? One is taboo, one is not. 

A thought to ponder. 



  1. That was a FUCKING fun read! Positively SCANDALOUS!

  2. Thanks Svea! So glad you liked it! :) I thought no one would read this! Nice surprise :)
