Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Fine Art of Not Giving a Fuck: Apathy

Fact: all humanistic beings with no range-of-moment consciousness have, at one moment or another, GAVE A DAMN what another humanistic being thought of them. The time we spend pondering the mental perceptions other people have of us is irrevocable. There's no chance in hell you can take back the time you lost stupidly flouncing around in your head with a quizzical expression on your face. 

That's right. Giving a damn is a waste of time. 

"Why am I out here on the streets in a freaky mouse costume? Cuz I couldn't care less"

But we are all guilty of it. We worry if someone likes us, we worry if we look good, we worry about appearing as something we aren't. Would you like to know why this is all such bullshit? Well, I'm pleased as peas to tell you.

1. Judgement from other people is constantly happening and can't be stopped. Therefore, by worrying about it, you're living up to Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

2. Life's short, have fun! When you're on your deathbed, will you seriously be lamenting about how you "SHOULDN'T HAVE POSTED THAT UGLY PICTURE ON FACEBOOK BECAUSE EVERYONE THINKS I'M UGLY NOW" ? Nah. 

3. It's so much fucking easier to not care. More energy than you'd think is spent on caring. 

How do I stop giving a fuck?

I realize such a startling revelation has probably left you gasping for air and stumbling around in confusion. But don't worry, I GOTCHU! How? Well, my intelligent little reader, there isn't any other way than to clear out all the unimportant bullshit going on in your brain about how vital your reputation is and PUT THAT GODDAMN MESSENGER BAG ON (or whatever crazy shit you're into) WITHOUT FEAR OF EMBARRASSMENT.

Now, there are boundaries with such an attitude. There are certain people whose opinions matter. Don't go flashing your employer simply because you "don't care." Too far. 

This last bit is important, kiddies, so put your listening hat on. To all you potential wrong-doers out there, I am not saying you should stop caring if people live or die, stop caring about following the law, stop caring about your well-being, stop caring about preserving others safety, etc. Okay? 

If you'd like to be further educated on this subject, I would recommend taking a gander to this website and enjoying the riches of enlightenment: 

Good luck all my fellow apathetties!! (invented will catch on) 


Dark Luscious Hair

I have discovered the perfect way to get silky, dark, shiny hair. The hair of a goddess. And I am eager to share it with you!! 

1. The first thing I do is make my hair mask. Combine, in a bowl, 2 egg yolks and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix it up, etc. Then put it all over your hair. This is a messy process but it works!!! Don't use sparingly. Slather it all over your lovely locks! (or soon to be lovely if you have flyaway-ridden, dull hair like me.) Leave it on for 10 minutes. 

2. Whilst you let the phosvitins of the egg yolk and Olea europaea fat work wonders for the pesky filamentous bio-material that sprouts outta' yo scalp, make up the black tea rinse. Get a big bowl of hot water...well, not big...medium sized should suffice. Depends on what quantity of hair you've got. Anyways, once you have your hot water, plunk 2 or 3 black tea bags (chamomile if you're a blondie) into the water and let it sit there for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, give it a stir, and put it in a jar of some kind. We will be using this later!!!

3. Once your egg/olive oil mask has been in for 10 minutes, go shampoo it out. If you'd like to avoid commercial shampoos, you can use a combination of 1 egg and 1 cup skim milk, or some baking soda and water combined. I usually shampoo a couple times to get it all out. Once you've done that, pour the black tea all over your hair and leave it in for 15 minutes. After that, rinse it out and your hair will be shiny and gorgeous when dry!! 

You're welcome. 



This program is rated 18A for mature language and themes. Parental Discretion is advised.

^^We've all had our share of jitters at hearing that low, monotone male voice warn us about the sinful shit we are about to be viewing. It's the worst if your parents are in the room. You pray there's not a sex scene so you won't have to succumb to death for no other reason than the 30 awkward minutes you have to endure with your creators. 

Other than running the risk of seeing - gasp - human body parts, and maybe some kind of violence, it's the words that make our television providers caution us beforehand. Swear words are what I am referring to. Maybe you call them "cusses" or "curses." Foul words. You get the picture. They are a combination of totally innocent letters into a word that our society deems "profane." 

The Latin origins of the word "profane" is actually quite fascinating. It means "in front of", "outside the church." To sum it up for you, anything not belonging to the church. Apparently when we utter certain words, we desecrate all that is holy. 

To keep on with the religious theme here, there are indeed curses in the bible. 


Think again, child of God. Open your holy book to 2 Kings 18:27 where Rabshakeh takes a spicy little swing at whoever he's chatting up, referring to men who "eat dung and drink their own piss." 

What I think is mind-blowing is how much power these words have! And they're just words. The word SHIT is every bit as much a word as SHOE. 

Take off all the negative connotations and they're nothing but constructions of letters. Yet we are raised not to say them. We are raised to believe that these words are bad and terrible. People get in trouble for saying them. People are suspended from school or fired from work. 

I can comprehend why people aren't feeling hunky-dory about them. They are usually used in anger, disrespect, or to insult someone. However, anger is just as much an emotion as happiness. 

So, with all that said, why, my friend, can I yell HUZZAH but not FUCK NOOO! among the general public without getting glares of hatred pointed my way? They are both expressions of emotions. The difference? One is taboo, one is not. 

A thought to ponder. 
